10-19-13 Drinkshop
21+ come chill while I spin tunes..
It’s a double header, starting off with the Santa Pub Crawl at Sutra then ending up at 5 Paces!
Join us in the romantic setting where cater to the chill vibe in this Sandy Springs hot spot. Located at 6017 Sandy Springs Circle NE Atlanta, GA 30328 smaCk & ticKle on the tables, aka myself and DJ Kontrol
Sitting atop a grand piano with candles burning you’ll find 2 turntables that myself and DJ K0ntr0l will be playing for your audible pleasure.. Located at 6017 Sandy Springs Circle Northeast Atlanta, GA 30328
Join DJ Kontrol and me at Sandy Springs newest hot spot, 3 Sheets this Friday night! 6017 Sandy Springs Cir NE Sandy Springs, GA 30328 This is an upscale lounge and restaurant where the Technic 1200’s are elegantly situated atop a grand piano. Come have a bite, a martini, and say hello!